As we all know good health is key in the wellbeing of every individual. When someone needs treatment from a medical center, efficiency, timeliness, and competence may be the difference between life and death for such a person. Many health facilities are embracing the lean six sigma approach to ensure errors are eliminated from all their processes so that their patients can get the best medical services. Error-free processes in the medical field may be equated with the preservation of the life of the patient. This is why every member of the healthcare facility should know their role in the service chain. The healthcare yellow belt is a basic training and certification course on the lean six sigma.

The healthcare yellow belt training course aims to enlighten the learner on the background and importance of the six sigma process in eliminating defects and errors in the healthcare service delivery. It is worth noting that a lot of errors happen in the healthcare chain that is detrimental to the health of the patient. Many patient's results have been switched and the patients end up being diagnosed or operated on areas of their body that were perfectly healthy. Another, common error in healthcare is the wrong prescription or dosage for patients. With yellow belt basic training the healthcare players are trained on how to detect and avoid such errors.

The training normally runs for a minimum period of thirty days. Kaizen course Training can take place in a learning institution but it is better if it can be done at the health facility. When the learning is carried out at the medical facility hall, the learners are more relaxed. Hence they grasp quickly what is being taught. It is also good because if the learners are on duty, they can leave the training session and immediately implement what they have learned at their workplace. Learners are trained on the lean six methodology tools, specifically the DMAIC. DMAIC stands for define-measure-analyze-improve-control. This is essential steps which can be implemented in the service chain to ensure wastage and errors are identified and eradicated.

The healthcare yellow belt training uses best practices from other institutions in their training. This encourages the learners to understand that what has been successfully implemented in other organizations can work in theirs as well. At the end of the training at The Productivity Company, the learner will be comfortable in implementing the six sigma by using the DMAIC methodology in their workspace. At the end of the training, learners are assessed and if they qualify they are provided their certification. Learn more about health care at